Live and Love Naturally

healthy woman, family planning,

I learned the Billings Method™ after my first baby was born. My husband and I had choices related to hormonal contraception but we never believed in taking synthetic hormones. Besides, the number one reason was that our inner self was telling us that hormonal contraception was not right. We wanted something natural and were aware of the possible side effects of the pill. Looking back, we know we made the perfect choice.



One of the things that I find most fascinating in our bodies is how complex our reproductive system is.  This wonderful creation has been equipped with an orchestrated mechanism of hormonal signals that, when in tune, will remain in harmony to produce beautiful melodies. Our bodies and inner self are naturally aware of changes in their environment that disrupt this tune and will react to signals when attention is needed.


Many unnecessary products that women use to prevent pregnancy come with a risk tag. One thing that absolutely never made sense to me is synthetic contraception. Its use changes a wonderful system that is a signal of health – ovulation.  Why change the natural course of the body? Why change it in such a way that it exposes women to side effects?

At Simple & Natural, we teach The Billings Method™. It is very simple to learn. I would love to teach you how to manage your fertility naturally. This knowledge can allow you to monitor your gynecological health and wellbeing throughout your reproductive life. I invite you to reach out to us and to celebrate and nurture the wonderful fact of being a woman!  

Lydia Nevárez