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Teens -Health and Wellness

Mother or caregiver, learn to teach your girl/s or, learn together.

Two programs to choose from

Option one -Care for your body

A healthy you & cycle charting

Learn to track your menstrual cycles for personal knowledge, or when requested by your doctor, as a tool for diagnosis and medical management of irregularities.

  • Demystify your menstrual cycle.

  • Ovulation as a biomarker of your health.

  • Chart your cycle in our free “Billings app”.

Option two -Spiritual Growth

Integral fertility and sexuality education

Discover the physical and emotional changes that occur from puberty and throughout adolescence, and the natural plan for human sexuality.

  • Cherish your body -a loving design!

  • Demystify the menstrual cycle.

  • Sexuality is a wonderful thing.

  • Loving yourself and the other person.

Empowering mothers and guardians
as leaders in the education and health care of their girls
— Simple & Natural